Pizza Oven

Pizza Oven

Elevate Your Culinary Experience with a Premium Pizza Oven

Pizza, a universally loved dish, demands perfection in every slice. The key to achieving this culinary delight lies in the heart of your kitchen – the pizza oven. Selecting the right pizza oven can elevate your pizza-making experience, ensuring every pie is a masterpiece.

We are producing two types of Pizza Ovens,

  • Gas Pizza Ovens: Traditional Charm with Modern Efficiency

    • Description

      MODEL 10×16 12×18 18×18 18×24
      WEIGHT 25 33 43 56
      LENGTH 21 23 23 29
      WIDTH 17 25 25 25
      HEIGHT 24 19 27 27
      CAPACITY 4 Pizza 6 Pizza 8 Pizza 10 Pizza

      Features and Specifications:

      Our gas pizza ovens come in various models, including 10×16, 12×18, 18×18, and 18×24, catering to different pizza capacities – from 4 up to 10 pizzas. With weights ranging from 25 to 56 pounds, these ovens offer a blend of portability and stability. Their dimensions ensure they can comfortably fit in various kitchen sizes, making them a versatile choice.



      • Quick Heating: Gas ovens heat up rapidly, reducing wait times.
      • Temperature Control: They offer precise temperature control, essential for achieving the perfect crust.
      • Consistent Cooking: Gas ovens provide even heat distribution, crucial for uniform cooking.
      • Energy Efficient: They are often more energy-efficient compared to traditional electric ovens.



      • Gas pizza ovens are ideal for those who cherish the traditional pizza-making process. They are best for restaurants or home chefs seeking quick, efficient cooking with a touch of authentic flavour.
  • Electric Pizza Ovens: Modern Convenience and Precision

    • Description

      MODEL 10×16 12×18 18×18 18×24 24×24
      WEIGHT 17 21 29 31 41
      LENGTH 27 29 29 36 36
      WIDTH 13 14 14 15 15
      HEIGHT 17 19 25 25 31
      CAPACITY 4 Pizza 6 Pizza 8 Pizza 10 Pizza 12 Pizza

      Features and Specifications:

      Our electric models include sizes like 10×16, 12×18, 18×18, 18×24, and the larger 24×24, capable of baking up to 12 pizzas. These models are lighter, with weights starting at 17 pounds, making them easier to move and install. Their compact dimensions make them a great fit for smaller kitchens or spaces with limited ventilation.



      • Consistent Temperature: Electric ovens maintain consistent temperatures, vital for even baking.
      • Ease of Use: They are generally easier to operate, perfect for beginners or fast-paced environments.
      • Space Efficiency: Their design is often more compact, ideal for smaller kitchens.
      • Lower Maintenance: Electric ovens require less maintenance than gas ovens.



      • Electric pizza ovens are suited for both commercial and home use, especially where ease of use, space, and consistent baking conditions are priorities.


Whether you choose a gas or an electric pizza oven, each brings unique features and benefits to the table. Gas ovens offer a more traditional pizza-making experience with efficient cooking, while electric ovens stand out for their convenience and precision.

Understanding your specific needs – whether it’s the capacity, the space available, or the type of pizza you aim to create – will guide you in selecting the ideal oven. Both options promise to deliver delicious, evenly-cooked pizzas that will delight your taste buds and impress your guests or customers.


 We are also making and supplying Kadukas Bhuka Machine and Laddu Crusher Machine.

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