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Dough Ball Making Machine

Dough Ball Making Machine

Dough Ball Making Machine Leenova Food Processing Machinery is a reliable Dough Ball Making Machine Manufacturer in Gujarat, India. We have been Highly Recognised as the Trusted CE Certified & ISO 9001:2015 Certified  Manufacturer, Supplier, and Service Provider in India, since 2006. It is catching up with the method of preparing dough for chapati, poori, and other flatbread in bulk. We are manufacturing two types of Dough Ball Machines, Regular Description WEIGHT LENGTH WIDTH HEIGHT CAPACITY (PER HOUR) 35 27 20 45 800-1000 Piece Waram Type Description SIZE LENGTH – 30″ / WIDTH – 15″ / HEIGHT – 31″ WEIGHT

Carrot Juicer

Carrot Juicer, Carrot Juice Making Machine

Carrot Juicer Leenova Food Processing Machinery is a recognized Carrot Juicer Manufacturer in Gujarat, India. We are Highly Recognised as the Trusted CE Certified & ISO 9001:2015 Certified  Manufacturer, Supplier, and Service Provider in India, since 2006. Carrot Juicer extracts juice from pineapple, Apple, Tomato, Carrots, Grapes, green vegetables, Pomegranate, etc. Description MODEL SMALL MEDIUM BIG BOWL SIZE 0.25 0.5 0.75 RPM 2880 2880 2880 WEIGHT 11 14 20 LENGTH 10 11 13 WIDTH 10 11 13 HEIGHT 14 16 19 CAPACITY (Per Hour) 2 Glass 4 Glass 8 Glass Categories: Food Processing Machinery, Hotel Equipment. These are Manufactured using the Best

Besan Mixing Machine

Besan Mixing Machine Leenova Food Processing Machinery is a famous Besan Mixing Machine Manufacturer in Gujarat, India. We are Highly Recognised as the Trusted CE Certified & ISO 9001:2015 Certified  Manufacturer, Supplier, and Service Provider in India, since 2006. It is utilized to evenly mix the water and the batter or gram flour powder. Description MODEL HP RPM WEIGHT LENGTH WIDTH HEIGHT AVERAGE TIME 5 KG 0.5 1440 65 25 18 40 8 – 10 Minute 10 KG 1 1440 85 28 21 42 12 – 15 Minute 20 KG 1.5 1440 110 32 26 45 15 – 20 Minute

Fully Automatic Flour Mill

Fully Automatic Flour Mill

Fully Automatic Flour Mill Leenova Food Processing Machinery is a recognized and dedicated Fully Automatic Flour Mill Manufacturer and Supplier in Gujarat, India. We are Highly Recognised as the Trusted CE Certified & ISO 9001:2015 Certified  Manufacturer, Supplier, and Service Provider in India, since 2006. The flour mill is utilized to grind flour from grains like pearl millet, jowar, rice, Corn, wheat, etc. Description MODEL CHAMBER SIZE WEIGHT LENGTH WIDTH HEIGHT CAPACITY (PER HOUR) 1HP 5KG. HOPPER 8 x 4 45 32 20 13 7- 9 KG 2HP 5KG. HOPPER 10 x 4 50 43 21 14 12 – 15

Mango Machine

Mango Machine, Mango Pulp Making Machine

Mango Machine Leenova Food Processing Machinery is a famous Mango Machine Manufacturer in Gujarat, India. We have been Highly Recognised as the Trusted CE Certified & ISO 9001:2015 Certified  Manufacturer, Supplier, and Service Provider in India, since 2006. Description MODEL SMALL MEDIUM BIG HP 1 1.5 2 WEIGHT 70 95 135 LENGTH 35 45 53 WIDTH 20 23 29 HEIGHT 34 39 40 CAPACITY (Per Hour) 50 – 100 KG 200 – 250 KG 400 – 500 KG Categories: Catering Equipment, Dairy Equipment, Food Processing Machinery. These are Produced utilizing the Best Grade Unrefined substance and present-day refreshes at our Hey tech Assembling

Dough Ball Making Machine

Dough Ball Making Machine

Dough Ball Making Machine Leenova Food Processing Machinery is a known Dough Ball Making Machine Manufacturer in Gujarat, India. We have been Highly Recognised as the Trusted CE Certified & ISO 9001:2015 Certified  Manufacturer, Supplier, and Service Provider in India, since 2006. It is catching up with the method of preparing dough for poori, chapati, and other flatbread in bulk. We are manufacturing two types of Dough Ball Machines, Regular Description WEIGHT LENGTH WIDTH HEIGHT CAPACITY (PER HOUR) 35 27 20 45 800-1000 Piece Waram Type Description SIZE LENGTH – 30″ / WIDTH – 15″ / HEIGHT – 31″ WEIGHT

Roti Machine

Roti Machine Leenova Food Processing Machinery is a favorite Roti Machine Manufacturer and Supplier in Gujarat, India. We have been Highly Recognised as the Trusted CE Certified & ISO 9001:2015 Certified  Manufacturer, Supplier, and Service Provider in India, since 2006. Description WEIGHT LENGTH WIDTH HEIGHT CAPACITY (PER HOUR) 95 KG 35 25 22 800-1000 Piece Categories: Catering Equipment, Food Processing Machinery, Hotel Equipment. These are Fabricated utilizing the Best Grade Natural substance and current movements at our Hi-tech Assembling Unit. We are using the Best Quality Materials, These Cooking tools are Profoundly Valued Among our Regarded Clients as they are incredibly simple to

Gas Range

Gas Range Leenova Food Processing Machinery is the most remarkable Gas Range Manufacturer in India. We are Highly Recognised as the Trusted CE Certified & ISO 9001:2015 Certified Manufacturer, Supplier, and Service Provider in India, since 2006. Description MODEL WEIGHT LENGTH WIDTH HEIGHT Single Burner 35 24 24 32 Two-Burner 54 45 24 32 Three Burner 90 72 24 32 Category: Hotel Equipment. These are Made utilizing the Best Grade Unrefined substance and current movements at our Hi-tech Assembling Unit. We are utilizing the Best Quality Materials, These Cooking tools are Profoundly Valued Among our Regarded Clients as they are incomprehensibly


Valona Leenova Food Processing Machinery is an acknowledged Valona Manufacturer in Gujarat, India. We have been Highly Recognised as the Trusted CE Certified & ISO 9001:2015 Certified  Manufacturer, Supplier, and Service Provider in India, since 2006. Description MODEL 60 LTR 100 LTR 200 LTR HP 0.25 0.5 1 WEIGHT 7 18 25 LENGTH 9 9 9 WIDTH 9 9 9 HEIGHT 30 38 48 Categories: Catering Equipment, Dairy Equipment, Food Processing Machinery, Hotel Equipment. These are Made utilizing the Best Grade Natural substance and refined progression at our Hey tech Assembling Unit. We are utilizing the Best Quality Materials, These Cooking tools are Profoundly

Fafda Machine

Fafda Machine Leenova Food Processing Machinery is an acknowledged Fafda Machine Manufacturer in Gujarat, India. We are Highly Recognised as the Trusted CE Certified & ISO 9001:2015 Certified  Manufacturer, Supplier, and Service Provider in India, since 2006. Description MODEL SMALL JUMBO HP 0.25 0.5 RPM – – WEIGHT 16 26.5 LENGTH 18 16 WIDTH 11 12 HEIGHT 15 19 CAPACITY (Per Hour) 30 – 40 KG 55 – 70 KG Categories: Food Processing Machinery, Hotel Equipment. These are Produced using the Best Grade Unrefined substance and complex upgrades at our Hey tech Assembling Unit. We are utilizing the Best Quality Materials, These

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